Name Bureau
南投社區協力網 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣各級人民團體查詢系統 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣教育網路中心 Department of Education
南投縣政府輔具資源整合網 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
內政部合作事業入口網站 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投監理站轄管租賃公司 Nantou County Government
南投縣選舉委員會 Nantou County Government
南投縣社區大學 Department of Education
法務部 Department of Civil Service Ethics
南投縣體育網 Department of Education
南投縣國民小學體育促進會 Department of Education
社區治安-安全生活守護網 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
查詢南投縣立案托兒所、課後托育中心名冊 Department of Education
南投縣觀光導覽網站 Department of Tourism
南投縣智慧福利服務躍升計畫 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
直轄市及各縣市短期補習班資訊管理系統 Department of Education
交通部觀光署 Department of Tourism
法務部調查局 Department of Civil Service Ethics
南投縣特教資源中心 Department of Education
東北角暨宜蘭海岸國家風景區 Department of Tourism
花東縱谷國家風景區 Department of Tourism
茂林國家風景區 Department of Tourism
台北農產運銷股份有限公司 Department of Agriculture
參山國家風景區 Department of Tourism
東部海岸國家風景區 Department of Tourism
南投縣健康促進資訊網 Department of Education
阿里山國家風景區 Department of Tourism
企業服務廉政平臺 Department of Civil Service Ethics
線上申辦戶籍登記 Department of Civil Affairs
南投縣政府公務資訊整合平台 Department of Planning
全民國防應變手冊 Department of Civil Affairs
施工綱要規範與工項編碼公告 Procurement Center
南投縣社會福利資訊網 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
人力運用調查系統 Department of Accounting and Statistics
網路勿販賣酒品宣導微電影 Department of Finance
訴訟外紛爭解決(ADR)機構查詢平台 Department of Land
陽光法案主題網─政治獻金專區 Department of Civil Affairs
中華民國兒童權利公約首次國家報告國際審查會議-CRC資訊網 Department of Civil Affairs
南投縣國民教育輔導網 Department of Education
南投縣自然史教育館 Department of Education
新兵樂-兵役體位區分查詢系統 Department of Civil Affairs
人力資源調查系統 Department of Accounting and Statistics
行政院公共工程委員會 Nantou County Government
國有非公用不動產活化行銷專區 Department of Finance
財政部中區國稅局「房地合一稅專區」 Department of Land
南投縣性騷擾防治專區 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣警察局婦幼隊婦幼安全網 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣政府家庭暴力及性侵害防治中心 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
衛生福利部國民健康署菸害防制網 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣警察局性侵害及性騷擾等預防犯罪宣導 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
教育部反毒紫錐花宣導 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
反性別暴力電子報 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
經濟部水利署水權資訊網 Nantou County Government
行政院公共工程委員會各類相關錯誤態樣 Procurement Center
南投縣埔里鎮桃米社區發展協會 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣政府毒品危害防制中心 Nantou County Government
良心時代 Nantou County Government
南投縣登記有案之寺廟名冊 Department of Civil Affairs
全民防衛動員資訊服務網 Department of Civil Affairs
南投縣農地空間資訊網 Department of Agriculture
南投縣不動產交易資訊服務網 Nantou County Government
社區照顧關懷據點便民入口網站 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣南投市芳美社區發展協會 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
台灣社區通 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
財政部國庫署為應民眾主動捐款作業需要,業於該署網站登載「捐款作業說明及國庫繳款書填寫範例」,請有意捐款民眾多加利用。 Department of Finance
行政院公共工程委員會採購業務標準化作業流程及控制重點 Procurement Center
廉政署網站 Department of Civil Service Ethics
內政部不動產資訊平台 Department of Land
行政院公共工程會公共工程價格資料庫查詢 Procurement Center
內政部全國殯葬資訊入口網 Department of Civil Affairs
財政部國庫署「新聞稿」網址及連結圖樣 Department of Finance
居家服務資訊平台 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
監察院-認識政治獻金專區 Department of Civil Affairs
銓敘部公務人員協會專區 Department of Personnel
商業登記資料查詢 Department of Construction
中華民國統計資訊網 Department of Accounting and Statistics
行政院主計總處 Department of Accounting and Statistics
後備司令部全球資訊網 Department of Civil Affairs
後備司令部全球資訊網 Nantou County Government
菸害防制法新規定主題館 Nantou County Government
內政部役政署 Department of Civil Affairs
國軍人才招募中心 Department of Civil Affairs
行政院環保署-綠色生活資訊網 Procurement Center
友善校園網 Department of Education
懂更懂學習英文網站 Nantou County Government
台灣省自來水公司 Nantou County Government
草屯鎮千分之一數值圖檔 Nantou County Government
門牌查詢系統 Nantou County Government
外交部全球資訊網 Nantou County Government
檔案管理局 Nantou County Government
太魯閣國家公園 Department of Tourism
商業登記及工廠登記資料查詢 Department of Construction
玉山國家公園 Department of Tourism
金門國家公園 Department of Tourism
南投縣政府稅務局 Department of Land
陽明山國家公園 Department of Tourism
墾丁國家公園 Department of Tourism
內政部民政司 Department of Civil Affairs
中華民國國民旅遊領團解說員協會 Department of Tourism
中華民國野鳥協會 Department of Tourism
國家發展委員會 Department of Planning
中華民國露營休閒車協會 Department of Tourism
中華民國永續生態旅遊協會 Department of Tourism
台灣鐵路管理局 Department of Tourism
國光汽車客運 Department of Tourism
中華民國社會工作師公會全國聯合會 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
都市計畫便民資訊查詢系統 Department of Construction
無障礙生活環境網站 Department of Construction
國民住宅資訊網站 Department of Construction
921社區重建國際研討會 (財團法人新故鄉文教基金會) Department of Social and Labor Affairs
社團法人台灣新唐人國際文化學會 Department of Social and Labor Affairs
南投縣住宅及不動產資訊網 Department of Construction