The refurbished track at the Nantou County Stadium has been launched into operation and the young children futsal championship commenced, October 1
After six months of refurbishment, the new track at the Nantou County Stadium was completed. The re-opening ceremony of the refurbished track was held on October 1 by the Nantou County Government. In association with the iTaiwan 2.0 project, the 2022 Lianhong Cup Young Children Futsal championship was also held. Presented the certification of 400m track by the Chinese Taipei Athletics Association, the re-paved PU track at the stadium improved the previous sports environment and made the track field more complete. It can be used as the training base for Nantou county and for sponsoring national competitions in the future.

The re-opening ceremony was hosted by County Magistrate Lin Ming-chen, who pointed out that since the completion of the county stadium in 2007, it had been used for 14 years. The old surface of the tracks showed fatigue and was worn out. Especially, the surrounding grassland was severely damaged. Due to these issues, people might stumble and fall, affecting sports and people’s safety. Therefore, the Nantou County Government submitted a project to the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education to secure funds to refurbish the track. As a result, the Sports Administration granted NT$26.40 and Nantou County Government raised NT$7.36 million and 7.45 thousand with the total of NT$33.76 million and 7.45 thousand in funds. Now, the refurbishment has been completed and the stadium is open to the public. In addition to being an ideal place for families to exercise in, it is also a standard track field suitable for athletes of all ages to train and compete in.