The “Folk Songs are Nice. Food and Travel are Great: Heartwarming Concert” was held at Zhongxing New Village on the first night of the long National Day vacation, October 8
At Zhongxing Village, people celebrated the Double Tenth National Day vividly. During the daytime, the 2022 Nantou Global Tea Expo and the novel chocolate and coffee festival “Hey! Chill Day” were launched simultaneously. At night, the Nantou County Government presented the road safety and food safety campaigns, and held the “Folk Songs are Nice. Food and Travel are Great: Heartwarming Concert,” in which singers such as the Nanfang Duo, Johnny Yin, Shelly Yu and others performed. They sang oldies but goodies, provoking the memory of the good old days. Later, the wonder woman, Legislator Hsu Shu-hua and County Magistrate Lin Ming-chen, “presented their charming voices” together in a duet. The concert venue was packed with excited visitors as well as passionate audiences, young and old, celebrating the big day together.

Acting as the “Tea Uncle,” County Magistrate Lin Ming-chen, dedicated to promoting the Nantou Global Tea Expo, pointed out that, road and food safety are essential to people’s daily life. On the night of the opening ceremony of the 2022 Nantou Global Tea Expo, the Nantou County Government communicated accurate knowledge on road and food safety to people through the performance of good folk songs.

The sponsor of this concert, the Information and Administration Department, Nantou County Government, pointed out that, to give people a happy and heartwarming night, they have prepared one thousand Tea Expo memorial mugs, which have attracted people to queue up and make purchases. In this year’s Tea Expo, for people filling up the questionnaire, they could enter the expo at an earlier time and claim one memorial mug. With people’s passionate support, the mugs were all claimed within an hour.