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Multipurpose Nantou Children and Youth Welfare Hall completed. County Magistrate Lin told the history, encouraging young people to consolidate social welfare, October 20
Witnessed by County Magistrate Lin Ming-chen and honorable guests, the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the multifunctional and diverse Nantou County Children and Youth Welfare Hall, which took more than 3 years to plan, was held on the 20th. In his speech, County Magistrate Lin emphasized that, this multipurpose and multifunctional children and youth welfare hall consists of a village assembly hall and a community activity center on the first floor, and the Nantou Community Service Center and public-to-private nursery on the second and third floors. The late Director of Department of Social and Labor Affairs, Lin Chun-wu, deceased for a year, was concerned that there was no assembly hall at Sanxing Village in Nantou City. Likewise, he suggested positively to construct a building for this purpose. Considering the importance of this issue, the Nantou County Government endeavored to raise the funds of about NT$ 61.19 million to construct this building. After completion, it also won the Yuan Ye Award for architecture.

The inauguration ceremony of the Nantou County Children and Youth Welfare Hall was hosted by County Magistrate Lin Ming-chen, with Mayor Sung Huai-lin of Nantou City, County Councilor Chang Chia-chie, city representatives, village chiefs and social welfare groups as guests, who attended the event passionately to witness the opening. The newly complete building cost NT$ 61.190682 million, including NT$14.96 million of government budget from the Nantou County Government and NT$46.230682 million from the surplus of the Nantou lottery funds.

County Magistrate Lin pointed out that, with the launching of the Children and Youth Hall into operation, it does not only provide space for the offices of Sanxing Village and Community Association, but it also gives expansive space for people to conduct leisure activities and assembly. The Chinese Family Welfare Promotion and Development Association will also operate the first private to public nursery in the county on the third floor. It will provide childcare services to 36 children under the age of 2. After deducting the daycare subsidy, the parents of each baby or young child have to pay NT$6,500 per month, greatly reducing their financial burden. The biggest purpose is to encourage young couples to have more babies. More importantly, by the Children and Youth Hall, two phases of youth housing is under prompt construction, attracting more Nantou residents to come home, get married, find jobs, settle down and have more babies.