Contact Us
Important things to know before using online forms to contact the Nantou County Government
1. In order for us to resolve your case quickly, it is important that you explain as clearly as possible on what you wish the county government to do on substantial terms. Any profanity or reference to matters outside the county government’s reasonable control will be ignored. There may be legal issues involved if you are using someone else’s email without his/her permission when contacting us.
2. To make sure your email is not hacked and you are able to hear from us, please click through an automatically-generated notification email to complete the verification process. It is only after the verification process is completed that we would start processing your queries. We would not process any queries without verification.
3. If you believe there is a necessity for your information or your identity to keep secret and confidential, for the cyber security risk reason, please mark as “Secret and Confidential” and post your concerns in hard copy to No.660, Zhongxing Rd., Nantou City, Nantou County 54001, Taiwan (R.O.C.).
4. ATTENTION: If you do not see a notification email from us, there is a possibility that your webmail provider such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. may wrongly classify our email as spam. You should check your junk email folder.
5. Any personal information you provide will only be used for the purpose it was provided and in accordance with applicable laws. The security of your personal information is of the highest priority and you are granted the right of access to your personal information.
6. Any case that go through our suggestion mailbox will take 7 business days to carry out. However, if the item is rather complicated or involve multiple units, the deadline will extend up to 30 business days.
The following conditions are grounds for dismissal of your request, suggestion or issue submission.
(1) The content of the request is not sufficient to process the request. A name and address were not provided. In addition if after a through investigation, the name, address, telephone number or e-mail address are proven to be a forgery or alias, the request will be dismissed.
(2) If the request, suggestion or issues are a re-submission of a previous case that has already been handled by the appropriate department, it will be dismissed.
(3) If the requester files the same request, issue or suggestion outside of the Nantou County, submits to multiple departments, and or the content is not applicable to our administration, the request will be dismissed.
(4) Non-pleading (For example, advertisement, questionnaire, etc )