Social Culture & Education - Knowledge of Supreme Quality
The purpose of education, in Nantou, is to hand over local history and culture to Nantou residents so that they may face the world. In addition to promoting native languages, County Magistrate has also been active in promoting English since taking office. All third graders have received at least one English class per week since 2005. Information is the approach used to shorten the distance between Nantou and other cties in Taiwan as well as outside of Taiwan.

Campuses became even more beautiful after the 921 earthquake. 136 elementary and junior high schools in Nantou had to be rebuilt. Effort and support came from the government, the private sector, teachers students and students' parents. Consequently, a new movement in school campus development came about in Nantou.

In addition to standard school education, additional knowledge is also required in communities. There is one community college with ten branches throughout Nantou County. The college provides a place of learning for anyone who wishes to learn. After opening the college doors to adult , each year there are now thousands of Nantou residents enriching their lives. There are a variety of literary and artistic exhibitions held in Nantou to promote literature and the arts.

Social Welfare Services object contains children, teenagers, women, the disabled ,the aged, low-income households (the near-poor households ) and labors. It mainly promotes the service of welfare for them, ensures the safety of the women and children, establishes the systems of the social work, maintains the labors’ right and welfare, promotes harmonious relations and mutual understanding between employers and employees ,and carries out the functions of the social assistance. It also combines non-governmental organization forces ,and provides the availability and accessibility services to meet the need and maintains the system of social welfare.