Phase 2 injection of influenza vaccine began. Nantou County Government advocated people to take the shot for the benefit of their health, November 4
On November 4, the Health Bureau, Nantou County Government operated an influenza vaccine injection station at the lobby of the first floor of the county building to provide qualified people and county government staff free flu shots. Accompanied by Director Chen Nan-Sung, Deputy Magistrate Chen Cheng-Sheng visited the medical personnel and people having injections there and encouraged people to get vaccinated to protect themselves and their families.

In the lobby at the first floor of the county government building, the Health Bureau established the sign-in, registration, evaluation, injection and waiting zones to provide people a smooth vaccine injection process. Many people and county government staff qualified for flu shots provided with the government funds arrived at the waiting zone as soon as the sign-in time began.

Director Chen said that this year, Nantou County Government had purchased 137,000 quadrivalent influenza virus vaccine, with the coverage rate of 28.5% of the population in the county, at 3.5% higher than the population coverage of 25% set by the central government. Starting from October 1, flu injections had been conducted in two phases in Nantou. Since the beginning of the injection, 100 thousand people had been injected. He stressed that according to related research if a patient was infected with both influenza and COVID19 viruses, the death rate would be 20% higher than being infected with either of them. Therefore, he would like to advocate people at the age of 50 or above, qualified for free injection on the government funds, to receive the injection as soon as possible to protect themselves and the people around them.