The 70th Nantou City Athletic Games and the Rice Banquet opened grandly to demonstrate the sports enthusiasm of the people in the county, November 15
On the 5th, the opening ceremony of the 70th Nantou City Athletic Games was held grandly at the Nantou County Stadium. Hosted by Magistrate Lin Ming-Chen, the athletes paraded into the stadium solemnly. Magistrate Lin also honored the medal winning athletes in the 2022 Citizens Sports Game by presenting them with the highest honor – the wreaths. After lighting up the holy flame, the opening ceremony reached the climax. The first events – the civil servants’ contest and the Quality Rice and Special Agricultural Products Taste Gala commenced together to announce the beginning of the games. Magistrate Lin and Deputy Magistrate Chen Cheng-Sheng signed the certificates of gratitude together to express their thanks and affirmation for the contributions of the epidemic prevention staff and the members of the Nantou County Aili Sports Volunteer Team for their contributions in the 2022 Sun Moon Lake International Swimming Carnival.

In the opening ceremony hosted by Magistrate Lin, the judges adapted physical activity groups, the County Council, education associations and the sports team of the 13 towns and townships grandly paraded into the stadium in order. This year, there were about 11,882 athletes from different teams participating in this year’s event. From the 5th to the 8th, there were 35 types of different sports event held in 29 different venues. The athletes challenged themselves courageously, demonstrating the spirit and goals of the sports games.